Effective August 31 WINAIR will offer daily service St. Maarten –Cane Field –St. Maarten


Airport Road, August 29, 2015 – Effective August 31 the National Flag Carrier of St. Maarten WINAIR will offer daily service St. Maarten –Cane Field –St. Maarten using twin engine otters. Due to closure and ongoing repairs at Melville Hall Airport this service will provide much needed connectivity to our customers in Dominica and allow WINAIR to repatriate Dominicans who need to get home.

WINAIR has planned this service for 10 days and it is our hope that access to Dominica's main Douglas Charles airport can be repaired and airport will be operational soon allowing return of service with ATR aircraft with our partner Air Antilles.

Please contact our handling agents at Whitchurch Travel agency in Dominica for assistance and further scheduling information. It is our hopes that by providing this service is a first step in restoration of normalcy to the people of Dominica, the thoughts and prayers of your sister nation  St.Maarten are with you all in Dominica.