Don’t Break the Comb To Host of Last of Workshop Series



CUL DE SAC, St. Maarten — The last of Don’t Break the Comb’s workshop series, ‘Get Set, Grow!’ is schedule for Saturday, December 16, 2017 at La Beauty Room, next to Overstocks, in Cole Bay from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The Saturday’s session will include How to Choose the Right Products to Create a Killer Personalized Hair Regimen and Cornrowing for Beginners.

Admission to the session is $25 and space is limited. “Participants can fast track their Christmas shopping, engage in activities and broaden their styling options,” said Rochelle Ward, event organizer.

The Series, ‘Get Set, Grow! , is tailor to teach the fundamentals of natural hair care while providing participants an opportunity to practice 4-5 essential protective styling techniques such as the two strand twist.

The series began on Saturday, November 25 and included an introduction to natural hair care, How to create the Perfect Two-Strand Twists (Out), Identifying What the Causes of Hair Damage, Transforming a Three Strand Twist Style into Multiple Protective Styles You Can Wear Right Away, How to Determine Your Hair Needs (& Wants) and A Step-by-Step Guide to Flat Twisting.

“We wanted to help women set the stage for a year of intentional growth and care in 2018. Hopefully there will be less aggravation and increased collaboration when it comes to our hair.

Don’t Break the Comb is a natural hair lifestyle brand that supplies its clientele with quality hair products, Afro-Caribbean dolls, events and information to assist them in the gentle loving care of their Afro-textured hair.