District Governor visits St. Maarten



District Governor of Sub-District 60B, Lion Dr. Carlisle Goddard, PMJF recently made his  official visit to the St. Maarten Leo Club, St. Maarten South Leo Club, and the Sint  Maarten Lions Club.

The District Governor was met upon his arrival by a welcoming delegation that included  Lion Felix Richards, President of the Sint Maarten Lions Club, Zone Chairperson 2B, Lion  Oralie Boirard, MJF, Past District Governor Lion Wally Havertong, PMJF, and Lion Dennis Lake.

The District Governor visit included an enlightening radio interview streamed live on the “Viewpoint with Wendell Moore” show where he expounded on the responsibilities of a  District Governor and shared his experiences in visiting the various of Lion and Leo clubs  within his District which comprises of 16 English and Dutch speaking islands with St.  Maarten included.

A courtesy visit was made to the President of Parliament, Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams during which the two leaders discussed the role of social entities in communities,  partnerships with Governments and the work of the Sint Maarten Leos and Lions Clubs.  District Governor Lion Dr. Goddard also met with the Caretaker Government Hon. Prime  Minister Ms. Silveria Jacobs, who is an Honorary member of the Sint Maarten Lions Club.

The District Governor had the chance to visit the “Nature Nurtures” Project, an  educational community service project of the No Kidding with our Kids Foundation that  introduces young people to various facets of agriculture, while on his tour of the island to  observe several service projects.

District Governor Lion Dr. Carlisle Goddard attended separate meetings for the Lions and  Leos during the evening. The District Governor engaged in lively and passionate  discussions about recruiting new members and carrying out worthwhile community service  during these meetings. He emphasized the significance of being adaptable in these times as  members discover chances for deeper community service.

A proud moment for Prospect Lindell Wilson and his fellow Leos occurred during the  meeting when the District Governor inducted Prospect Lindell Wilson into the St. Maarten  South Leo Club.

The Sint Maarten Lions Club has been serving its community for over 53 years. District  Governor Lion Dr. Goddard took the opportunity to congratulate Lion President Felix and  the membership on the outstanding work they have done and are still doing on the island.

The Sint Maarten Lions Club honored its four Past District Governors during the visit in  the company of District Governor Lion Dr. Carlisle Gooddard, PMJF.

The District Governor’s theme for this Lionistic year is: “I Am because We Are” which  focusses on the concept and Ubuntu spirit of family. Lions and Leos demonstrating the  “Heart of a Lion” in their recommitment to each other and the community. In summary,  remembering “who we are and why we serve”.