Local Weather: Partly Cloudy & HOT with a possibly Day Shower/two, then becoming cloudy with overnight showers


Weather Update by Eye4weather

2015: 243 days in, 122 to go
Hurricane Season: 92 days in, 91 to go

Today’s Temps
High (Day): 87F/31C, feels like 95F/35C
Low (Night): 77F/25C, feels like 79F/26C 

Local Weather
Partly Cloudy & HOT with a possibly Day Shower/two, then becoming cloudy with overnight showers.

 (Click images to zoom in)
  • Winds: are generally from the east at 5 to 15 miles per hour.
  • Seas: Moderate with wave heights up to 5 feet.

Special Weather 
There are three (2) tropical disturbances in the Atlantic Ocean, one of which developed into Fred.

  1. A moderate tropical wave is forecast to pass near/through the local region late tonight/earlyTuesday — bringing a few showers with it.
  2. The developing tropical wave in the far Atlantic developed into Tropical Storm Fred yesterday and further strengthened into Hurricane Fred @2amthis morning. Fred, however, does NOT pose an immediate threat to the Caribbean.

We will continue to monitor their progress.

Tuesday’s Weather Preview
Decreasing Clouds with HOT Temps & a morning shower/two.