Sonia Gill, Secretary General of the CBU

By Linda Straker

Media Entrepreneurs whose form of publishing is only online, will in the future be provided with the opportunity to become members of the Caribbean Broadcasting Union.

GRENADA — Sonia Gill, Secretary General of the CBU, has disclosed that when the Union holds its Annual General Assembly in Grenada in August, one of the items on the agenda is a change to the bylaws of the Union to allow for social media and other electronic media outlets to become members of the body, which was formed in 1970.

“Social Media is very much significant in the world today, and there is a continuing strong push in the area, so when we meet, one of the things will be an amendment to the bylaws of the CBU to provide for members of digital media houses to become full members,” she said, during the launch of the Assembly.

The Launch was held at the Grenadian by Rex Resort, which will be the home of the Assembly from 17 to 20 August 2015. Representatives from the 46 memberships throughout the region are expected to gather at the Resort, where they will discuss challenges and issues facing the Caribbean media sector.

“The Session will include an examination of recent developments in convergences of telecommunications and broadcasting, important regional and international development in programming rights, as well as a forum on communication rights and freedoms in the Caribbean,” said Odette Campbell, Convenor of the Assembly and head of the local organising committee.

The Communication Rights Forum will also feature the launch of a new project partnership between UNESCO, the CBU, and the Public Media Alliance which was formerly called the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association.

Campbell disclosed that the 2015 Assembly will mark the first ever Caribbean-China media exchange, because a contingent from the various media houses in China will be in Grenada to participate in the Assembly.

“I believe that this exchange will be a very successful one,” said Amb Ou Boqian, who confirmed that to date, five top media houses in China have confirmed participation for the Assembly. “We have confirmation from China National Radio, China Radio International, CCTV, China Economic Dail,y and Xinhua news agency,” she said.

The Assembly is receiving support from the Government of Grenada as well as a number of corporate bodies. Delysia DeCoteau of the Grenada Tourism Authority said that the Authority is very pleased to be associated with the assembly as it will bring a high level of exposure for Grenada tourism product among regional journalists.

Source NOW Greneda