Dominica: Salisbury protesters reject gov’t proposal


Dominica –– Salisbury residents, who are protesting the poor quality of the roads in their community, have rejected a government’s proposal for a ten-member delegation to meet official in Roseau to discuss their concerns.

DNO understands that the proposal included a meeting at government headquarters.

But the protesters flatly refused, saying government officials must come to Salisbury and meet with them “in the hot sun.”

“We are not going anywhere,” a protester told DNO at the scene.

High ranking police officials are having discussions with protesters at the scene.

Residents of Salisbury blocked the E.O Leblanc Highway on Monday morning causing pile up of traffic.

They say they are being victimized and neglected by the government and roads, including farm access, are in deplorable conditions.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has condemned the protest, saying there are legal means to have issues addressed.

He said the roads will be addressed under the Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM) funded by the European Union.

Source Dominica News Online