Payment date for license plates and vehicle inspection to be extended to June 30

Photo The Daily Herald


POND ISLAND – Due to the catastrophic damage caused by Hurricane Irma, the country is still in the recovery phase.

Hundreds of vehicles suffered damage.  The Government is well aware that many in the community are facing serious hardships and choices have to be made such as fixing one’s home, awaiting settlements from insurance companies, awaiting parts/or awaiting repairs for their vehicles; taking the aforementioned into consideration, with motor vehicle fees due in February, a decision has been taken to extend the compliance payment date for license plate and vehicle inspection fees by an additional four months.

The aforementioned is a form of relief to the community which is still suffering from the effects of the hurricanes.  Minister Cornelius de Weever had this issue as one of his priorities after being sworn in as minister in January.  At that time, he sought advice and has moved forward in having this become a reality.

Minister of Justice Cornelius de Weever says the extension is until June 30, 2018 for the plates and inspection.  For those who would like to keep their existing plates, the deadline for payment is March 31, 2018.

All motorists will still need to pay the full year amount for the license plate. Those who had no vehicle from January 1st, will still qualify for payment of a pro-rated amount.

Motorists are encouraged to pay their fees as soon as possible even though the compliance date will be extended.

The Minister of Justice has already informed the Police Department about the grace period.

Motorists are encouraged to repair their vehicles in order for them to meet the regular safety and security requirements according to the laws of the land.

The meeting regarding the aforementioned agreement took place on Thursday, February 22 under the agenda point, to look into the possibility of extending the deadline for license plates and inspection of vehicles.