Housing & Other Community Solutions On The Horizon for St. Martin



St. Peters, Sint Maarten — The communities of St. Martin North and South are recovering from what historically has been deemed the most devastating hurricane to date: Hurricane Irma. Many have lost their homes and are displaced; many have lost their jobs; some have lost their lives and others have lost their dignity, hope and their will to live. Considering the aforementioned situation, Victorious Living Foundation, through its visionary, Dr. N. Erna Mae Francis Cotton, and her husband, business partner, and host of the popular radio show, Love and Inspiration, Mr. Roy Cotton, Jr., set out on a quest to find viable solutions to mitigate the housing dilemma, as well as create socio-emotional, and financial opportunities for the people of St. Martin.

This quest for solutions, led them to enrol and be accepted in the Global Excellerated Business School™ for Entrepreneurs (BSE) that was held in Cancun Mexico for eight days in November. Dame DC Cordova, CEO of the business school for the last 38 years is the engine behind the school which includes the Money & You® program that helped launch the career of Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad / Poor Dad) – and have had graduates like Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)Ben Cohen (Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream)Paul Mitchell (Hair Products), and countless other multi-millionaires and billionaires.

An excerpt from the Cottons’ acceptance letter to BSE reads: “Roy & Nicole have been selected due to their senior experience, commitment to make a difference, entrepreneurial spirit, collective goal and leadership drive toward building a healing center, followed by many more in other geographical locations once proven. Their focus on doing so is even more critical right now, given the natural disaster of Hurricane Irma that has just devastated the US and the Caribbean. Roy & Nicole are now fully committed to advance their vision into a reality, as quickly as possible with both government and private funding.

“Roy & Nicole bring a deep experience of personal and professional coaching of couples, individuals and students; healing, transformation and entrepreneurship. Roy has achieved success over the last decade with his successfully produced and presented weekly radio show ‘Love & Inspiration’. Nicole has dedicated the last 27 years of her life to service of others – through charitable organizations, coaching and empowering individuals, communities and families, training, conferences and her passion for social entrepreneurship. Nicole established Victorious Living Foundation in 2002 on St. Martin to empower, enlighten and reconcile youth, families, marriages and communities. Both are committed to taking their ventures to the next level and as such Business School is a great fit.”

This Sunday on Love and Inspiration, aired live from 3-5 p.m. on PJD2 Radio, 102.7 FM or http://pjd2radio.com/ Roy Cotton, Jr. will interview Garson Silvers, a fellow graduate of BSE; a published author with writings in college text books used in Universities around the world such as Harvard, Stanford and Mumbai University of Management on the subject of sustainability. He is considered a multi-national expert in the field of sustainable green development. He believes in “Earth Stewardship” and as the CEO of Zeons, put his full focus and years of experience into developing ZMUs (Zeons Millennial Units). ZMUs are on the cutting edge of fully sustainable modular housing that are environmentally friendly and environmentally defensive, off the grid safe homes.Tune in this Sunday to Love & Inspiration to learn about these disaster resistant, affordable homes that are a solution to St. Martin’s current dilemma. Call 1-721-522-2084 for more details.