Fortinet donates equipment to re-establish communications in the Caribbean and create public spaces to access the internet for free


The cybersecurity company signed an agreement with local telecommunications providers to donate equipment, to be used in hotspots across various Caribbean islands

Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT), a global leader in broad, integrated and automated cybersecurity solutions, is donating IT equipment to provide public wireless access in St. Maarten, Antigua, Martinique and Guadalupe after hurricanes Irma and Maria severely impacted communications on these islands.

Fortinet signed a donation agreement with various local telecommunications providers to implement these public access points, to be installed in areas where large numbers of people tend to gather. This will provide free internet access to all citizens able to reach the designated areas. 

“Given the electrical system’s and telecommunications sector’s collapse, our teams are working to provide internet connectivity and wireless access to those affected. We are very proud to collaborate on this initiative and help the best way we can—through our technology. We know this is helping many citizens communicate with their loved ones during this emergency,” said Alberto Leo, Territory Manager for Fortinet.

Fortinet’s donated equipment is being used to provide secure wireless internet access through FortiWifi 60Ds in interior spaces and FortiAPs 224D for exterior ones.