WARNING! “Legal Businesses”

Peggy Ann Brandon


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry COCI has taken notice of the many advertisements published by foreign Construction companies, in the local- and on social media.

COCI herewith issues a warning to the public of St. Maarten to act with caution when contracting a construction company. Construction companies not registered at COCI and not licensed to do business on St. Maarten, may not operate and/or offer services in St. Maarten.

Many of these companies may also advertise vacancies to hire local workers, so those seeking employment are too urged to be cautious.

COCI advices all residents and business owners to request copies of a valid business license and a current COCI registration, to verify that the company you are engaging is legally established and permitted to do business in St. Maarten.

Know who you are doing business with, who you are contracting or who you are planning to work for.