Two murders in three days rock St. Kitts and Nevis; brother stabs young sibling days before mother’s funeral

Pilot Mervin Paul


Basseterre, St. Kitts, October 10th 2017 – Violence has taken a grip on St. Kitts and Nevis with two murders, a police shooting and an unknown person or persons pumping bullets into a vehicle.

Monday night October 9th), a male national who returned home from Tortola, British Virgin Islands, to bury his mother on Wednesday, was stabbed to death by another brother during an altercation over property in the town of Cayon.

The dead brother, Mervin Flaherty, a pilot with the Tortola-based airline, Air Sunshine is murder victim number 20th.The brother, alleged to have inflicted the fatal wound, is better known as “Rockers.” There was no information if he was in police custody.

Monday afternoon (October 9th), police during an operation in Church Ground, Nevis, discharged gunshots in an attempt to arrest a youth wanted by police. The man was injured and taken to the Alexandra Hospital in Charlestown. His condition is not known.

Sunday evening (8th October), a car was riddled with bullets by an unknown person or persons in the Pinneys Beach. Police have not released any information and it is  unknown if the vehicle was occupied or unoccupied. Police have not issued a statement on this incident.

In the wee hours of Saturday morning (7th October), three armed masked men walked into Biggz Night Club and pumped bullets into 44-year-old Daniel Wilkinson.

Wilkinson, a West Farm resident, St. Kitts, died on the spot. He became the 19th murder victim.