APS present to Fund participants residing in Aruba and Curaçao at meet-and-greet event



Philipsburg, Sint Maarten,  – Participants of the Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten (APS) pension Fund residing in Aruba and Curacao were recently invited to a local meet-and-greet event hosted by APS.

APS Managing Director Mrs. Nadya Croes-van Putten travelled to the respective islands to meet the Fund participants who are now retired and living on the islands. The events were hosted with the intent to ensure that the bulk of pensioners who do not live on Sint Maarten, also get the opportunity to meet the Fund representatives in person.

This approach is part of APS’ intensified communication strategy, which was initiated in 2017. In a survey, Fund participants indicated the need to get more direct and frequent information regarding the Fund and its projects.

During the events APS briefed its participants on the financial position of the Fund, investment policy and strategy, the project development portfolio, the communication strategy to its participants and new digital tools that would complement this, such as; online pension portal, digital newsletter and the new website.

The Facebook page of APS is currently the most active external communication tool used by participants. APS is currently also working on the re-design of the corporate brand. Participants were also reminded to send in their Attestatie de Vitae to APS in the months of June and December.

“The pensioners indicated they were very happy with the meet and greet and hoped this could become a yearly event. I agreed that it would indeed be good to keep in touch with the group and have a yearly visit.” – Nadya Croes-van Putten, Managing director of APS