[Video] Fire at Saba Landfill


Video and Photo by Deej Feva

Update 3 of Fire at Landfill

While the fire department continues to manage the fire, there may be periods of heavy smoke in the village of the Bottom. During these times the Public Entity strongly advises that persons remain inside to reduce inhalation of the smoke.

Update 2 on Fire by Landfill

The fire is now under control and the fire department is in the process of managing the fire. The smoke is diminished and should continue to lessen. It is expected that the airport will be opened again by the end of the afternoon.

Update 1 on Fire at Landfill:

The wind is shifting directions and the smoke is expected to move more towards the villages of The Bottom and St. Johns. The Public Entity advises residents and businesses to close all windows as a precautionary measure, in order to keep the smoke out.