Alcedro Ash shows up in Court, Pre-trial detention extended

Alcedro Ash leaving the Courthouse after his detention was prolong eight days more.
Alcedro Ash leaving the Courthouse after his detention was prolong eight days more.
Alcedro Ash leaving the Courthouse after his detention was prolong with eight days more.

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten –– Suspected murder suspect known as Alcedro Ash (former fireman) headed to court on Monday May 25th 2015 in the Morning hours to face the judge of instruction at the court of First Instance. Ash turned himself in after allegedly shooting Taxi driver Riley Richardson better known as “China” on Pear road in South Reward.

The 38 year old Richardson died violently just before 7pm on May 21st after receiving multiple gun shots from a firearm believed to belong to Ash. The cause of the fatal argument between the shooter and the victim is said to have started from earlier in the morning on Thursday. Just what started the argument is still unknown. Police were on the crime scene Thursday afternoon conducting an investigation. It is also said that the shooting took place in-front of two minors had to be removed from the crime scene.

Ash Lawyer Shaira Bommel leaving the Courthouse.
Ash Lawyer Shaira Bommel leaving the Courthouse.

Meanwhile Police offer Richmer York was flown to the Detention center in Aruba Kia to wait out his trail detention until his trial. York was receiving multiple threats at the Point Blanch prison and the Prosecutor Office had to make the call to send York off island for his safety. Press Public prosecutor Tineke Kamps confirmed to 721 news by stating “Yes, we send him to to Aruba because the safety risk in Point Blanche is too high”. York pre- trial detention was also extended on Monday.