MP Heyliger-Marten: establishment of petits comités show commitment of Parliament

MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — In a press release issued on Tuesday afternoon, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten expressed her satisfaction with the establishment of two petits comités during separate public meetings of Parliament’s Permanent Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization (CCAD).

During the continuation of CCAD meeting # 2 on Tuesday morning, a petit comité was established consisting of MP’s Duncan, Heyliger-Marten, Roumou and Gumbs. The Committee will be tasked with gathering information on the possible calling of a referendum on independence.

A petit comité was also established during CCAD meeting # 3, consisting of MP’s Heyliger-Marten, Peterson, and Pantophlet. This petit comité will be tasked with coming up with a proposal for CCAD to have the Kingdom Charter (het “Statuut) reviewed.

“It’s very satisfying an encouraging to see that things are coming together where St. Martin’s constitutional future and development as a nation are concerned”, Heyliger-Marten stated after the meetings. 

She said that she had sent a letter to the Chair of the CCAD, MP Rolando Brison, in January of this year requesting an update on the petit comité for the review of the Kingdom Charter and other related matters. 

“I appreciate the fact that the Chair followed up on my request in a relatively short time”, Heyliger-Marten stated. “The two petits comités that were established will advise the CCAD on two ‘s important matters. The first one is the holding of a referendum, which will give the people the opportunity to choose their constitutional future. 

But regardless of what that choice will be, having the Kingdom Charter vetted is perhaps even more urgent”, according to Heyliger Marten, who just on Monday sent letters to the Prime Minister, the Dutch House of Representatives, and the State Secretary of Kingdom Relations suggesting to have all Kingdom legislation vetted against international law by an independent organization.

“No matter how many laws we prepare or pass as a Parliament, as long as the Kingdom Charter and other laws like the Rft  prevent us and the Government from what’s in the best interest of our people, we are just wasting valuable time”, Heyliger-Marten stated.

“So I am glad that all the initiatives aimed at getting constitutional reform going during the past three years are starting to pay off. The work of the petits comités and CCAD will be important input for the ongoing dialogue with the Netherlands and other potential stakeholders in St. Martin’s development as a nation, and especially the planned Kingdom Conference”, Heyliger-Marten concluded.