Cusha Columns unravels the enigma that is St. Maarten



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Cusha Colums, a collection of 18 columns written by publisher Terrance Rey for, is now available in book form at the Van Dorp bookstore.

The columns deal with an array of topics that show the author’s love for the island and his ability to flesh out stories that explain the enigma that is St. Maarten. At least, they make a serious attempt at doing so, because at the end, the subject of his writing remains a mystery. Maybe that is how it is supposed to be.

Rey writes with a gentle approach about things that surprise or upset him. The picture that emerges from these columns is of an island where everything is possible and where at the same time golden opportunities are completely ignored.

Cusha Columns offers readers who are interested in eye-opening reporting an elegant menu of stories: about tax-evasion, social benefits fraud, how St. Maarten misses out on millions of European subsidies, low tax compliance and invisible poverty. And these are just a few examples.

Rey writes about the country’s tendency to spend money like there is no tomorrow, the island’s reliance on the Netherlands to come to the rescue and its love-hate relationship with their savior.

The book also contains a few bonus articles, written by Rey and Hilbert Haar for

An enjoyable read? The answer to that question is up to the readers of this interesting book.

Cusha Columns
Pages: 92
Author: Terrance Rey
Available at: Van Dorp
Price: $19