SMMC adjusts patient visiting policy


~Patients now allowed one visitor per visiting hour~

CAY HILL, Sint Maarten — In light of the decrease in active cases of COVID-19, St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has adjusted its patient visiting policy. The amended policy goes into effect as per Tuesday, September 27th 2022 and allows patients admitted to the Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatric, Day Care or Medical/Surgical ward one visitor per visiting hour. Visiting hours are now 11:30am – 12:30pm and 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

The adjusted patient visiting policy also allows one partner or companion to accompany maternity patients to their pre-natal appointments and two companions to be present during delivery. For caesarian-section (c-section) patients, the number of companions allowed remains at one and special arrangements are made for visitors of non-COVID-19 patients on the Intensive Care ward.

All visitors and companions must adhere to SMMC’s universal masking and mandatory hand hygiene policies. Visitors and companions will also be subjected to SMMC’s COVID-19 screening questionnaire prior to entry and must register at the Service Desk.

While SMMC acknowledges the positive effect receiving visitors has on patients’ mental health, wellbeing and ultimately their physical recovery, patients, visitors and companions alike are asked to avoid visiting the hospital if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms. This is in the interest of protecting patients, many of whom are vulnerable and at risk of severe COVID-19, as well as staff.

Persons with friends or family admitted to SMMC who are not on the patient’s list of approved visitors are asked to make use of text messages and phone and video calls where possible to keep in touch with their loved ones. Persons wishing to receive an update on a patient must contact the patient’s emergency contact (which is typically a spouse or immediate family member) as SMMC does not provide patient information to third parties to protect and uphold patient confidentiality and their patients’ right to privacy.

SMMC thanks the public for their cooperation as they provide quality care close to home while keeping their staff and patients safe.