The Annual Brown Pelican Sports Awards virtual release set for November 15, 2020



PHILIPSBURG – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport in collaboration with the National Sport Institute and the St. Maarten Sport and Olympic Federation is happy to announce the virtual release of the 2019 Brown Pelican Sports Awards (BPSA) on Sunday November 15, 2020 and the subsequent release of the winners’ videos.

The Brown Pelican Sports Award is the highest honor an athlete or stakeholder can achieve locally in sport. Due to COVID-19 and the subsequent stoppages it caused in many aspects of our everyday lives, local and international sport play were halted for extended periods of time. As a result, the 2020 edition of the annual event will not occur; however, the 2019 ceremony will be airing on CableTV on Sunday, November 15th.2020

The BPSA was launched in 2016 and is 1 of 3 parts of the annual awareness campaign headed by the Department of Sport. The objective of the BPSA is to recognize the hard work, dedication and sporting excellence of our athletes, coaches and organizations, to honor our sport legends (the pioneers of yesteryear) and to thank contributing stakeholders.

At each year’s award ceremony, a different sport is highlighted, and our local legends are honored and in 2019, the sport of Cricket was selected. After a lengthy search, the findings concluded that the Cricket legends honored would be the late Vance James, Sr., the late Rupert Maynard, Blair Forde and the now 92-year old Felix Flanders.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport through the Department of Sport wishes that you tune in this Sunday evening to recapture a wonderful moment in Sint Maarten sports and to hear the stories of our Cricket legends.