CCSU reviews parts of function book Immigration & Police

Committee of Civil Servants Unions


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Committee of Civil Servants Unions (CCSU), formerly known as the GOA held a consultative meeting with the honorable Minister of Justice Cornelius de Weever on Friday January 11 2019. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the additional function descriptions and evaluations that will become part of the new police function book.

The CCSU seeks to ensure proper representation of the whole civil servants’ corps and therefore invited the NAPB and the ABVO to take part in the meeting in the capacity of observers as both unions represent the majority of unionized members within the Justice Ministry and are currently not represented in the CCSU due to the legal requirements for membership not being fulfilled.

The members and observers were all given the opportunity to ask the Minister questions and make statements. The WITU cautioned the Minister that any changes that he would like to implement should be in the ultimate benefit of the police force. Before the meeting was adjourned the Minister of Justice ensured the CCSU that a complete function book for the police will be submitted as soon as possible for review.

Based on article 112g of the LMA, the CCSU has a 6 weeks period to provide feedback on matters related to the function book once all relevant documents have been submitted.

The Members of the Committee of Civil Servants Unions are appointed every 2 years based on their official membership count.

The CCSU consists for the 2018-2020 term of one member of the WICSU-PSU Mr. Riegnald Arrindell and his replacement member Mr. Franklin Mariana along with one member of the WITU Mrs. Claire Elshot-Aventurin and her replacement member Mr. Robert Rawlins.

The CCSU is supported by a Secretariat consisting of 3 persons, the Chairlady Ms. Jessica Weeks, the General Secretary Mrs. Suenah Laville-Martis and the Deputy General Secretary Mr. Travis McQuilkin.