S.G.O. goes digital at St. Dominic High School.



SOUTH REWARD, Sint Maarten — It’s about that time again where new has postulated themselves to run the SDHS’s Student Government Organization (SGO). This year, the SGO celebrates 23 years and the 2017 – 2018 board wanted to introduce digital. The motion was laid on the table to have an electronic election this year.

The board members approached the members of ICTE/BYOD team to collaborate. The board members of the ICTE/BYOD team and past SGO board went to work and smoothed out all possible challenges for this memorable event.  Everything went as clock work.

The official election procedure started at 08:00. Following the election, an explanation was given to the student body that this year’s elections would be done differently.  The student body cheered the candidates on, some with their signs.

From 08: 05 to 08:25, the candidates distinguished who they were and why they were the best candidate for their designated board position.

08:20 marked the time when polling officers went to the polling station.

At 08:30, students were assigned by classes to go to one of the 5 stations to vote and every 3 to 5 minutes they rotated. By 08:55 the entire staff and student body of SDHS casted their vote.

All candidates were great on the podium but only few will be victorious.