Leadercast: A Phenomenal Success! Over 160 Registrants at Leadercast Victorious LivingSXM 2017



Belair, “Awesome.” “Wonderful.” “Inspiring.” “Exceptional.” “Well Organized;” are a few of the words attendees at Leadercast Live 2017, used to describe their experience. Leadercast, the largest one day global leadership conference, hosted locally by Victorious Living Foundation via live simulcast for the fifth consecutive year, attracted over 165 registrants.

The theme for Leadercast 2017 was “Powered by Purpose.” Attendees from all walks of life, ages and ethnic backgrounds gathered at the Belair Community Centre to be empowered, enlightened and inspired. Participants included sixth grade students of the Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School, youth from several Methodist congregations who were encouraged to attend by their Superintendent Minister, Rev. Dr. Joan Delsol Meade, and the St. Maarten Youth Parliament.

Businesses continue to see the value of Leadercast increasing their employees’ leadership capacity and were strongly represented; including Nagico, Motorworld, Telem headed by its recently appointed CEO, Mr. Kendall Dupersoy; and many others.

Participants also hailed from organizations such as the Joint Court of Justice, The David Company whose CEO, Dr. Alicia Liverpool was a speaker at Leadercast, and the Governor de Graaf Primary School board and staff, who travelled all the way from Statia for Leadercast.

Attendees were wowed by International speakers such as the world renowned director, playwright, producer and philanthropist, Tyler Perry, who did not disappoint; Dr. Henry Cloud, author, leadership expert & clinical psychologist; Suzy Welch, leadership expert & Best-Selling author; Molly Fletcher, sports agent, author, & world-renowned public speaker,  Andy Stanley, leadership author  & communicator and many more renowned international speakers.

Two local millennials also spoke at Leadercast: Ralph Cantave, 21 year old local author, speaker and entrepreneur and 19 year Dwayne Griffith, a young social entrepreneur studying Social Entrepreneurship at Watson University. Both young men have attended Leadercast at Victorious Living’s host site for two to three years respectively and shared how Leadercast has impacted their lives.

Francis-Cotton and the Victorious Living team are pleased with the results of Leadercast which impacted and transformed many lives. She is grateful to Victorious Living’s Leadercast partners including Leadercast in Atlanta, The St. Maarten Princess Juliana International Airport, Caribserve, who provided an excellent feed for the live simulcast; Auto Bev Services, the media houses including 102.7 FM, SOS Radio, and many more. Francis-Cotton is eternally grateful to her husband, Roy Cotton, Jr. and Victorious Living’s team who worked tirelessly to ensure Leadercast’s success.

Leadercast 2018 is scheduled for May 4th with the theme: “Lead Yourself.” You are encouraged to secure your seats early for that phenomenal event.

Save the date for Victorious Living’s Leader Worth Following Awards (LWFA) and Symposium on visionary leadership scheduled for November 4th, 2017. Keynote speaker for VLF’s LWFA is Liz Thompson, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, consultant, lawyer, author, speaker and contributor to the Huffington Post. Call 1-721-524-8731 or visit Victorious Living at www.victoriouslivingsxm.org and send an e-mail to register, partner or learn more.