U 2 Can Move encourages medical checkups. 


As part of its 5-years anniversary, U 2 Can Move (U2CM) members will be engaging the services of the Mobile Health Bus on Monday, May 8th. 

The mobile health bus is coordinated by the Collective Preventive Services of the Ministry of VSA. 

On Monday, May 8th, the bus will be stationed on the Pondfill, across from the Sports Auditorium from 4 pm.

Everyone is encouraged to stop by and be “checked and measured” by the professionals who will be manning the bus. 

“We are extremely grateful to CPS for their cooperation and we invite persons to spontaneously ‘drop in’.

U 2 Can Move is a fitness program, celebrating 5 years of existence under the leadership of President of Parliament, MP Sarah Wescot-Williams. 

“Our health statistics where many diseases and illnesses are concerned are quite alarming. We of U2CM do our small part in encouraging women to take charge and we recommend physical activeness as the basis for everything we do”. 

Today there is also U2CM Curaçao, something we are very proud of.

So come out and drop by the Health Bus on Monday afternoon. It’s free of charge. 

MP Wescot: “If you are happy with the results, join us thereafter at the John Larmonie Center. If you are not happy with the results, join us at the John Larmonie Center. There is a surprise for the first MALE to visit the health bus on Monday afternoon”.