Laville-appeal postponed until June



Source: Today Newspaper

GREAT BAY – The appeal hearing of former Member of Parliament Romain Laville was postponed until June 8 yesterday. In the meantime, the court wants to hear former Justice Minister Roland Duncan at the Judge of Instruction as a witness in this case.

On august 24 of last year, the court in first Instance sentenced Laville to a 1-month suspended jail sentence for firearm possession, but it acquitted him of making threats against former MP Jules James and against steel pan icon Isidore York.

Members of the National Detective Agency arrested Laville on March 26, 2015 at him home,. During the search they found two firearms and ammunition. Laville was released after a couple of hours.

Laville told the court last year that he had applied for a renewal of his gun permit but that he never got an answer. He maintained that a gun permit remains valid until the minister of justice decides otherwise.