K1 Britannia Work Training Program begins with workshop



PHILIPSBURG – Sixteen foster teenagers and teenagers on probationary measures have officially begun their pre-phase of the K1 Britannia Work, Training, and Social Development Program (WTSD).

This program has been several months in the making, with huge assistance from a variety of sectors of St. Maarten,” said program Manager Tony Dunkerley.

The pre-phase activities are meant to better prepare participants for the work placements, volunteer placements and training starting in the last week of November.

The trainer for the first pre-employment workshop covering topics such as interview skills and resume building was given by HR Professional Adelena Schaap-Chandler of the Women’s Island Network (WIN). “It was an honor to be a part of this wonderful program that will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the future of the participants,” said Schaap-Chandler.

The 3-hour session gave the teenagers invaluable content in regards to the dos and don’ts of interviewing such as confidence, appearance, just to name a few. One of the participants noted that they now understood the importance of how to present oneself on social media. “You have to be careful what you post on social media before and while in the workforce,” he added.

Once participants received the information, they were put into action by having to role play an interview with Schaap-Chandler. They were then given advice to help improve their skills and ultimately their confidence when walking into an interview. Feedback from participants were that Schaap-Chandler was a very good instructor because she made the workshop interactive and the information easy to remember.

Program Manager Dunkerley added that participants were lucky to have Schaap-Chandler who delivered a fantastic workshop on interviewing and resume building.

A participant added, “She made me rethink my life and how to apply the areas covered to my life.”

Dunkerley stated, “The K1 Britannia Foundation look forward to having Mrs. Schaap again in a couple of weeks to deliver the second pre-employment workshop on motivation and work ethics.”

The (WTSD) Program is a 6-month program that will provide 11 foster teenagers and 5 teenagers under probationary measures aged 16 to 18 with work placements, educational and practical training courses, “work-ready” workshops and volunteer placements with social organizations with the aim to improve their employability once they leave the foster care system at age 18.

For more information about K1 Britannia Foundation, visit website www.k1britanniafoundation.org, email: foundation@k1britannia.org or visit on Facebook.