Cole Bay next stop for free HIV Testing on Saturday


COLE BAY, Sint Maarten — Cole Bay is the next stop for St. Maarten AIDS Foundation community outreach with free and confidential HIV testing day on Saturday, September 24 at Scotiabank Cole Bay location on the main road. Testing is open to the public from 9:00am to 3:30pm.

Getting tested regularly and knowing your status is one way of reducing the impact of HIV/AIDS on the community while protecting yourself and loved ones from getting the virus that causes Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) .

Testing involves only a small finger prick and results are available within 15 minutes. Tests are anonymous and linked to the person only by a one-time identifier.

A group of volunteers that include doctors in training from American University of the Caribbean, foundation members, supporters and some youth members will be in the area facilitating the testing day event. Spanish translators will also be on hand throughout the day.

The foundation urges everyone to make an effort to get tested and reminds the public that HIV testing is also available Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm at the AIDS Foundation office in Cole Bay.  St. Maarten AIDS Foundation, with its secretariat in the Sun Building across from Tropicana Casino in Cole Bay, is the only entity offering HIV/STI prevention education outreach and care/treatment support for persons living with HIV/ AIDS on the Dutch side of the island.

While the bulk of the foundation’s funding come from community and corporate donations a major donation generator is the annual Stronger Together/Red Ribbon fundraising campaign carried out in collaboration with Scotiabank.  To make a donation, e-mail or make a direct deposit at Scotiabank account numbers 7223 (US dollars) and 7221 (guilders) in the name of “Stronger Together HIV/AIDS Campaign.”

For HIV counselling and tests, visit the secretariat or call 553-2626. Also visit the foundation’s website: for more information about services.


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American University of the Caribbean doctor in training carrying out test. Testing involves only a small finger prick and results are available within 15 minutes. Tests are anonymous and linked to the person only by a one-time identifier.