T’s Closet and business partners celebrated Women’s Day 2016 in style


PHILIPSBURG – Customers were able to attend a happy hour, where celebration, empowerment and partnerships were reinforced as being the key to successful business ventures.

Soualiga Service Point jumped on board with this idea as they also have a large percentage of women as clients.

The idea was to bring customers together and show them that they are appreciated. A happy hour setting and ambience was created that was in sync with the Women’s Day celebration on March, 8.

Partners on board were: Caribbean Liquors and Tobacco, Falana Alexander with an eyebrow bar, and T’s Closet with an exhibition of many of the store items. Soualiga Service Point was the hosting venue, where the ladies could also take the opportunity to sign up for their PuntoMio account in the event that they were not a member as yet.

The idea is to continue doing this event as cross promotions and partnerships to highlight other services/businesses within the community and to provide women with top of the line quality products.

In photo (from left to right): Owners of T’s Closet (Tamara Lloyd and Mercedes Fleming), Makeup by Falana’s (Falana Alexander), Kenty Lichtenberg (Office & Retail Manager Soualiga Service Point), Kyran Williams (BAR, Brand Manager for CLT). (photo by Jobyvideo Prod.)

Thank You Judany for your support sharing is caring ..?????

Posted by T’s Closet SXM on Saturday, March 12, 2016