Inspectorate of Education: no more granting of extended vacation to parents before July 6

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon. Ms Silveria Jacobs


GREAT BAY – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (Ministry ECYS) Inspectorate, hereby makes known that it will not be granting any extended vacation to parents that wish to travel before the last official day of school July 6, unless in cases of emergencies.

When requesting an exemption, in case of an emergency, the applicant must provide the following: completed exemption form obtained at the inspectorate office; A copy of the parent/guardian and student passport; Ticket reservations for student and the person traveling with the student; A supporting document that validates the emergency and states exactly the reason for taking the student out school for this particular period.

Once parents have prepared all the above requirements, they must be submitted at the office of the Inspectorate of Education in the Brooks Tower Building, Harbor View, Falcon Dr. #7, located between the Governor’s Cabinet and Social and Health Insurances SZV Building.

Any parent that unlawfully takes their child(ren) out of school before this period can be penalized.