US Party: The Abuse of Our Most Vulnerable Must Stop

Leader of the US party Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Leader of the US party Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty on Sunday expressed great displeasure in how the citizens of country St. Maarten are being treated, especially senior citizens. In her opinion the same rhetoric is used every election to capture the vote of senior citizens after which they are forgotten while their cries continue to fall on deaf ears. “I want to publicly convey my disgust with the behavior of promising in vain and using the weaknesses of this vulnerable group to roll in votes, it is a total disgrace,” said Gordon-Carty.

The US party leader insisted that too many political games are played instead of dealing with what she termed low hanging fruit. “It doesn’t take millions to make a major impact in the lives of our seniors who are the pillars of our society,” stated Gordon-Carty.

Insisting that in the four (4) year governing term of the NA/UP coalition, they should have been able to implement programs to ensure that seniors: Get food at a reduced price; Are excluded from taxes on their pensions, and Provided an opportunity to secure affordable housing. Mrs. Gordon-Carty emphasized that pensioners should be cherished for their contributions in helping to build St. Maarten by being rewarded, not punished and penalized. “The proper steps have to be taken immediately to effectively increase the senior pension permanently to an acceptable livable income,” continued Gordon-Carty.

Seniors have been complaining for a number of years that the cost of living has been steadily increasing making their pension allowance almost obsolete in most cases. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the world has experienced significant shortages on supplies and the high demand for goods has led to sky rocketing prices in local supermarkets.

Gordon-Carty is confident that the U.S. Party’s plans to improve the living conditions for seniors will be effective in addressing and answering their cries. “We have already drawn up a plan. It is a practical and will be effectively executed to address the overall living conditions of seniors in particular but also the entire country,” lamented Gordon-Carty.

US Party under the leadership of Gordon-Carty has championed and addressed amendments to the child sex abuse laws in addition to her Pamela policy which she implemented as Minister of VSA in 2019. The party’s focus has been on strengthening laws to protect and enhance the lives of the citizens of country St. Maarten. Things neglected by governments of the past and the current NA/UP coalition.

“The entire country has been crying wolf for a number of years and those in power do not seem to care. The country needs balance, our economy needs direction, and our people especially the vulnerable need protection and opportunities. The only way to address the issues is with a comprehensive complete plan which we already have,” assured Gordon-Carty.

The US Party has been diligently conferring with the population through contact one on one meeting, gathering real time information. It is through these sessions that solutions were born based on the cries of the people. As the next election cycle approaches political parties will be unveiling their plans for public consumption. Gordon-Carty and her US Party team are no exception and they insist that when given the opportunity the people of country St. Maarten will feel a difference in their lives, and see a brighter future for their children. “We have shown over the years that when given the opportunity we execute, and under my leadership we will continue to fight for the most vulnerable people in country St. Maarten through legislation even if it means standing alone. Our record will speak for itself,” expounded Gordon-Carty.