Suspected case of road rage 



The St. Maarten Police Force is investigating, a suspected threat /road rage” case that allegedly occurred on Sunday, March 5, 2023 around 1:30pm at Welfare Road. 

Police Central Dispatch received a call around the stated time a regarding situation on Welfare Road where several cars were allegedly damaged. Several patrols were dispatched to the scene. 

Upon arrival, officers learned that two cars – a black Ford Edge and a gray Kia Rio – were damaged during the interaction among several different individuals.  

According to the preliminary investigation, an altercation occurred after one driver changed lanes on Welfare Road without paying attention. 

During the altercation involving various participants in the incident, the situation got so out of hand and they threatened each other with death.

One motorists is said to have struck the car of another while driving away, causing considerable damage to both vehicles.  Traffic and detective personnel are investigating this incident.

What is road rage?

This is an umbrella term for a wide range of behaviors, making it difficult to identify a specific cause of road rage. Most incidents can probably be boiled down to two elements – a bad decision by one driver or mistake combined with a bad reaction by the other. One individual driver does something stupid and that Road rage is a lose-lose proposition.