Wilson applauds call of the Public Prosecutor to report Sexual crimes.

Gromyko Wilson an aspiring political candidate for the upcoming (2023) elections


When a woman says no, she means no.

~ Urges persons to come forward ~

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — aspiring political candidate Gromyko Wilson in his response to the press release issued on Monday June 20, 2022, by the Public Prosecutor concerning sexual crimes, applauds the Public Prosecutor for the manner in which they have been handling sexual abuse cases lately.

“It’s about time the respective stakeholders in the Justice Ministry start taking these cases seriously. Too often persons have reported their case to the Police and were told there is little the Police could do with their complaint. Many are the times that the Police would call the suspected sexual offender in for questioning, then sends them right back to their victims. I applaud the Public Prosecutor’s office for the approach they have taken on the matter of sexual crimes lately and encourage the Public Prosecutor to start a lengthy campaign to raise awareness on sexual crimes and ways to report these offenses”, Wilson stated.

Wilson went on to urge victims of sexual crimes to continue to report these cases with the hope that the competent authorities will take these claims seriously and conduct proper investigations into the matter.

Enclosing Wilson urged the current Members of Parliament to review the draft law amendment proposed by leader of the United Sint Maarten Party Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty to strengthen child sex abuse laws on Sint Maarten.