Prudential Tax Services offers Free Pre-Tax Audit Analysis



In view of the increasing demand to comprehend the Tax Department Audit approach, Prudential Tax Services (will initiate a 2 week campaign to assess you on your Financial Statements (5 years) and determine if your company is likely or predisposed to get an Investigate Audit by the Tax Authorities.

It is the first time this type of practice will be performed in Sint Maarten where the financial statements of the Taxpayer (Corporate and Single proprietorship) will be examined to determine conditions that can or may trigger a Tax Audit. Preventive work is necessary to confront this situation and knowing upfront is fundamental. Many companies accepted the Government subsidy and signed an acknowledgement that they accepted an audit however are not aware where to reinforce their administrative conditions and may be later penalized by confirmed shortcomings.

The examination of the financial statements can be conducted online (  or onsite compliant with the  security protocols  related to the Covid situation. The examination team consists of Certified Auditors with proven track record in Tax Audits in the entire Dutch Caribbean.

For the study to take place, the financial statements of 2016-2020 must be presented and will be handled confidentially at all levels, real time.

Another service is offered which is the Taxation Backlog investigation, where the Receivers’ List will be obtained and an assessment will be given on your tax status including remedial actions. More information can be obtained at Backstreet 166, Philipsburg