Cultural Xpression Sept 2018 – Eco SXM on Climate Change | Exclusive Interview Sigma



In this months edition of Cultural Xression we get back to touching base with some of our local potential artist that have been putting in work behind the scenes. In September 2018’s  Edition of CX we bring you an Exclusive Interview with Mr Lorenzo Gomez aka Sigma, as we get to know a bit more of the prominent artist background, lifestyle and views on the current music scene here on St Maarten. 

Also everyone know’s that Mr Wyatte has been going through some struggles with government while trying to complete the Agricultural Research and development Center. Nevertheless things seem to be moving on the positive side as Wyatte awaits the blessings of the Minister of VROMI Minister Giterson to move forward on making agriculture a reality for St Maarten. Wyatte received positive support for his project from the Second Chamber who encouraged local government to support efforts of such objective.  Eco St Maarten Agricultural Research and Development Foundation, is an organization focused on preserving and conserving nature through the awareness and capacity building of agriculture. They have also put together a piece on Climate Change, a grave factor that can no longer be push to the sidelines.

The Prime Minister of Barbados Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, delivered her maiden speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 28, 2018. This speech brought a level of inspiration to ECO SARDF.

The speech was directed around climate change, an issue  today that many seem to overlook while debating on other issues that truly have no valuable relevance to the current times and situations that we the citizens of the world face.

ECO SARDF next press release was to focus on community development and the NRRP, but find climate change is of much priority and there for choose to touch on it in this edition.

Earth is crying out as its inhabitants continue to focus on only personal wealth or what they may be be able to gain for the times of those that are in the power of dictatorship.

The way we treat the earth seems to reflect the way we treat ourselves. What we forget is that the earth itself is significantly compounded of the same quantity of minerals that construct and safeguard the development of man and life itself.

Read more about Climate Change and check out the Exclusive Interview with Sigma, right here with us @ St Maarten Agriculture  CX SEPT 2018 EDITION