Philipsburg, Sint Maarten, – Ten hours of reading, sharing of literary works and networking proved that the “Engage in Literature Read-a-thon” was indeed more than just a read-a-thon. Last week (December 9th) the Engage foundation hosted their first annual read-a-thon in benefit of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library. Close to fifty persons attended the event at the Coffee Lounge on Front Street.
“Without the support of all who attended and that of our corporate sponsors, SZV, Motorworld Group of Companies and CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank, the event would not have been the success that it was. We are so proud, and so should all who supported, to aid in the reconstruction efforts of the library”, said Engage’s board. The foundation also expressed heartfelt thanks to Seema Merchandani Vaswani of the Coffee Lounge. “Mrs. Vaswani happily jumped on board and was so accommodating, allowing us to take over her lounge for the day. We are grateful to her and her staff”, said Engage President, Claudine Williams.