Staying safe during the heat



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The past week the community of St. Maarten has been enduring some very extremely hot days. Many persons have been complaining that it is literally unbearable and difficult to go about your daily tasks, especially if it calls for outdoor work.

One local gym has complained of persons feeling weak to the point where two persons even collapsed from the extreme heat. We here at 721news want to help you cope with the excessive heat and mainly stay safe and cool during these unbearable hot days.

Extreme heat affects everyone from children, adults, outside workers and senior citizens. It is important to stay hydrated with water, avoid sugary and caffeine filled beverages; stay cool in an air-conditioned area; wear light colored, light-weight loose fitting clothing; if outdoors rest in the shade to cool down and wear a hat and sunscreen.

It is important to note that during extreme heat the temperature in your car could be deadly, so if your air-conditioning is working it is wise to use it if not turn all windows down for proper ventilation.

Below are a few tips to help you stay safe.

  • Work out in early morning or late evening. Avoid the hottest times of the day.
    • Reduce the intensity and duration of your workout.
    • Stay hydrated
  • Drink often and regularly. Do not rely on thirst, by the time you are feeling thirsty, there is already a significant fluid deficit.
    • Drink more than just water. When you exert yourself, you lose electrolytes as well as fluid. Sports drinks are sufficient in adding electrolytes back into your system.
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet. Replenish salt and rehydrate. Avoid alcohol, soda, caffeine and other stimulants.
    • Know the warning signs of heat related illness and dehydration symptoms.

Any of the following can be a sign of heat exhaustion:

  • Confusion – cannot remember simple things, complete simple/routine tasks.
    • Irritability – a sudden change in temperament.
    • Lightheadedness.
    • Fatigue

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