Romanian artist Stefania Nistoreanu sells painting using Bitcoin



ROMANIAStefania Nistoreanu is the first artist in Romania, and one of the few in the world, to sell a painting using Bitcoin. An art collector based in Hong Kong recently bought Nistoreanu’s painting “Cryptsy” for 2 Bitcoin ($4,500). The transaction represents an international event in both the art world and the cryptocurrency market.

The painting was listed for sale on, the luxury platform for Bitcoin buyers, where it was noticed by an art lover located in Hong Kong. Adding the painting to his collection is a good investment, considering its popularity among cryptography and crypto-art aficionados.

The transaction took place in a matter of moments, by transferring the Bitcoin from one electronic wallet to another almost instantaneously. At the time, 1 Bitcoin was worth $2,250. “Cryptsy represents a code dedicated to an avant-garde civilization, a labyrinth made of primordial symbols, along with mathematical elements borrowed from cryptography. The painting has an abundance of clues for those who are searching and are trying to understand everything,” Stefania says about her canvas.

“Selling a work of art with Bitcoin proves that this method of payment is undoubtedly becoming a normality. The initial uncertainty and lack of trust are now gone, because this digital currency has shown us how easy and safe it is to use. Bitcoin is a real alternative of resources, which, together with innovations in others fields, won’t affect the pure humanity that I stand for in my art. On the contrary, it offers us the chance to a superior civilization, where nature and humanity will be celebrated,” the painter added.

Nistoreanu is among the first artists in the world who trusted the future of Bitcoin. Three years ago, she decided to sell her art in digital currencies Bitcoin and Litecoin, on her website and on platforms dedicated to this type of transaction.

“Cryptsy,” an emblematic image in crypto-art

In the last few years, “Cryptsy – Cryptocurrency Market” – painted in oil and gold leaf on canvas, at a dimension of 50×70 centimeters – has become a representative image in crypto-art, just like another of Nistoreanu’s paintings, entitled “Bitcoin.” On several websites, “Cryptsy” was included in the top 10 most impressive works of art inspired by cryptography. Its notoriety grew in time, and now the painting shows up on the first page of Google results at the search of the key words “Bitcoin art.”

Nistoreanu has eight other paintings listed on, where people can buy luxury goods with Bitcoin like, arts, yachts, jewelry and even real estate.

Bitcoin, the free currency

Bitcoin is the first and most valuable digital currency. Unlike traditional money, Bitcoin is not printed, but is kept electronically, and its use is easy and free, because Bitcoin is not controlled by any government. It exists in a decentralized financial system, which assures a safe exchange of valuable resources, based on crypted information. These resources can be quickly exchanged for cash money, at the rate of the day.

Three years ago, when she decided to sell her paintings in Bitcoin, Nistoreanu explained her choice: “First of all, it is easy to use by anyone who has access to the Internet. Compared to other currencies, Bitcoin is totally owned by its users. It doesn’t belong to any bank, and I enjoy the freedom of this method of payment. On my website, the paintings can be bought directly in Bitcoin and Litecoin. I sell my art in digital currencies because I’m fascinated by the idea of financial and cultural innovation. This is what I aim to do, too, through my art.”

About Stefania Nistoreanu

Nistoreanu is 35 years old and lives in Brasov, Romania. She is one of the most well-known and appreciated young artists in the country. Along the years, her works have been presented in prestigious publications and national television channels. She has been painting since she was 13, she studied at an art high school and later, at a university in the same field, specializing in Monumental Byzantine Art.

She has exhibited her works in several cities in Romania, as well as in Luxembourg, Austria and Hungary. Nistoreanu is currently preparing an exhibition for Tokyo, Japan.