10th Annual UNESCSO Youth Forum registration opens



PHILIPSBURG — The 10th UNESCO Youth Forum will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France from 25 to 26 October 2017.  Since 1999, the UNESCO Youth Forum has provided an innovative, ongoing opportunity for youth to work in dialogue with UNESCO, to shape and direct the Organization’s approach and to present their concerns and ideas to Member States.

The forum brings together expert youth from all regions of the world to discuss pertinent issues related to UNESCO fields of competence. During the youth forum, a series of recommended actions and priorities will be drafted to guide UNESCO’s youth actions for the next biennium. These will be presented at the 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference.

Over the past years, young people from St. Maarten have benefited immensely from participating in past youth forums.  Some of the young people who have participated in previous UNESCO Youth Forums over the years include:  Ralph Cantave, Majorie Cortico Ramirez, Anisa Dijkhoffz, Melanie Choisy, Kenneth Serrant, and Ruthaidith Rudolfina.

Persons interested in participating in the 10th UNESCO Youth Forum will need to follow the below application requirements. Application forms will be obtained via:

  • Unesco Facebook Page : Unesco Sint Maarten

. Unesco website:  www.unesco.sx

  • Sint Maarten Government webpage
  • The form will be sent to all school boards for dissemination to the high schools
  • Facebook Page:  St. Maarten Youth Affairs

Application Requirements:

  • Applicant must be between 18 to 24 years of age
  • Applicant must be a national of St. Maarten

o   In possession of a Dutch passport or residence permit for at least 5 years

o   Passport need to be valid for at least a year at the time of travel commencement date

  • Applicant must submit his/her application form by June 9, 2017 at the

Youth Department or UNESCO Office, or email the application form to: [email protected] or  [email protected]

  • Applicant must submit a copy of their valid passport and/or residence permit
  • Applicant must submit curriculum vitae
  • A letter of motivation
  • Two (2) Reference letters: one from a recognized youth-related or youth focused NGO and the other from their school or employer.
  • Official note from the NGO stating its vision, mission, scope and activities
  • Documentation showing experience in project management
  • Applicant should possess proficient communication, writing and debating skills
  • Applicant should be available to share knowledge acquired from the youth forum, which can be used towards the policy development within the Department of Youth Affairs

Please note: You will have to participate in a mandatory interview and debate.

For further information, contact Ms. Marcellia Henry (Cel# 5203051) or           Ms. Faye Arnell (Tel # 5422056).