Arts and crafts supplies for Sister Basilia Centre



PHILIPSBURG – Island Gems Charity Foundation recently donated a large quantity of arts and craft to Sister Basilia Centre. The supplies will aid the Centre’s residents with their therapy, motor skills and for fun.

The official presentation of the supplies was made at the Centre when residents and clients were staging a wedding complete with a registrar. The event doubled as a celebration of love and as a thank you for the Island Gems members, who have supported the Centre many times in past. After the ceremony, Island Gems joined the residents for dancing at the wedding reception.

Island Gems Board Member Jody Rosen said, “It is always a pleasure to assist Sister Basilia Centre. The clients and team leaders do amazing work and they deserve all the assistance we as community can give them.”

Island Gems President Alita Singh added, “We are only as strong as our most vulnerable in our community. While some may look to at the clients of the Centre as challenged, we as Gems see potential, strength and incredible courage. They deserve as much support as possible.”

Island Gems supports social and community projects on both sides of the island through its annual fundraising gala. This year’s themed gala is slated for Saturday, April 8, in Captain Oliver’s Restaurant in Oyster Bay. Tickets cost US $125 each and are available from all members.

The Foundation only supports registered foundations and associations who have projects of long-term positive impact on the community and residents. No cash is given. The Foundation pays directly for services and/or equipment.