Minister Lee introduces Cabinet Staff



PHILIPSBURG – The Cabinet for the Minister of VSA Emil Lee has been completed. Four members from the previous Cabinet will be returning, namely Alissa Rios, Selby Philip, Jim Rosen, and Chris Fleming.

“Alissa and Selby are both policy advisors and they have done a tremendous job over the past year. Jim Rosen is my Senior Specialist, who has also done a great job, particularly when it comes to financial analysis, and Chris Fleming, who is the cabinet’s personal assistant, is a tremendous support to our staff, ensuring  that everyone in the cabinet is well taken care of,” Lee said.

“Different to my previous appointment where I launched a public recruitment process, the remaining vacancies for the Cabinet this time were filled from a head hunting process that I had been working on over the past year based on the opportunities I had to meet and interact with individuals in Government. We always have our eyes open looking for exceptional people to add to the Ministry,” stated Minister Lee at a press briefing on Wednesday, January 4.

Due to the transition of Government after elections and the ambiguity revolving on whether Minister Lee would be returning as a Minister, the members of the previous Cabinet who were not civil servants secured other job opportunities. That led to two new vacant positions, one for an executive assistant and the other for a legal advisor.

The legal advisor that was selected is from legal affairs, Alexandra Sizoo. She is specialized in administrative law with many years of experience working in Government. In the press briefing, Minister Lee mentioned how he met Sizoo, and was pleased with her very practical and solution-oriented approach. Last, but certainly not least, is the new Executive Assistant Marvio Cooks.

Cooks is a young professional with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, and a background in ICT in Education with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports. Minister Lee expressed how impressed he was with Cook’s drive, ambition, and his ability to think critically.

“As the cabinets are filling up, there is a great vibe on the top floor. Everyone is excited and ready to get to work. There is a nice complement between experience and new energy, and I am positive about the future and changes to come for St. Maarten and the people,” stated Minister Lee.

In addition, Minister Lee also provided a new contact number where he and his Cabinet can be reached. Unfortunately, due to the telephone lines in the new Government Building not being operational, the cellphone number the public may use to reach the Cabinet is +1721520-2767.