Michelene Warner receives donation to help her mother in her battle with cancer

Michelene Warner receives donation from former Member of Parliament Leona Marlin-Romeo to help her mother in her battle with cancer


PHILIPSBURG – The Sint Maarten Community Outreach foundation has added one extra task to its Give back to the community program for 2017, planting seeds or planting in people.

The organization recognizes Robert Colliers words that “The first principle of success is desire – knowing what you want. Desire is the planting of your seed”.

It is for this reason Michelene Warner, a young Sint Maartener has been selected.  Michelene Warner is a former member of the Interact Club and the Rotaract Sunrise of St. Maarten where she has held many positions.

In 2012, in the capacity of the Community Service Director she started the Give A Child A Chance (GACAC) project where school bags were filled with school utensils and 100 plus students per public school received a bag.

Warner has shown her willingness and desire to do what it takes to accomplish whatever is a priority in her life and her efforts did not go unnoticed, stated former Member of Parliament Leona Marlin-Romeo. ​

She has been organizing various fundraising in the community for the purchase of alternative medicines to assist one of the most precious gifts in her life, her mother who is battling cancer.

Research from the Health Impact News has stated that most alternative cancer treatments are effective and have almost no unwanted side effects.

The organization applauds Warner for the initiatives taken thus far and humbly ask the community to also plant extra seeds not only in Warner’s initiative but that of others in the community.