New Start Foundation grateful to UTS for computer donations


PHILIPSBURG – Thanks to a timely donation from Telecommunications Company UTS, children of the New Start Foundation Foster Home have three computers, and a brand new printer to help them with their homework for the new school term, which started this week.

Teens staying in the home were looking at the bleak prospect of not handing in their homework on time if they could not make use of the only laptop available at the home.

Their spirits were lifted Tuesday, August 16, when UTS IT specialist Ceslon Lake, came by to install three PC systems that the older children in the foster home can work with.

Grateful directors of the Home Sally and Edward Benjamin thanked UTS CEO Glen Carty for the timely donation, which he organized the same day he heard about the foster home’s need.

“It was just a case of asking our COO Mr. Leo Juan Pedro, and the IT Department to look around at our surplus stock to put together some PC systems for this very worthy cause. UTS is very happy to help and to contribute to a successful back to school opening for the children of this foundation where they can be provided with the tools they need for the new school term,” said Carty.

The computers, with monitor, keyboard and mouse were received by Home representative Edward Benjamin, with acknowledgement that they will be put to good use along with the new printer, which will be delivered shortly.

“We did not expect homework to start coming from the first day of the school term, and one of our children who had signed up for a computer program at school needs one at home to practice on, so I would say receiving these computers from UTS this week is most timely, and for the children, a real life-saver,” remarked Benjamin.

Photo: Representative of the New Start Foundation Children’s Home Edward Benjamin (left) thanks IT specialist Ceslon Lake (right) of UTS St. Maarten, for the donation and installation of three PCs to the home so that children can do their homework at the start of the new school year.