MP Marlin-Romeo: Calls on Minister of Justice to ensure no political interference in judicial entities


PHILIPSBURG – Member of Parliament (MP) Leona Marlin-Romeo cautions the Minister of Justice on the ‘trias politica’, and reminds the honorable minister that he must ensure that the powers of one branch do not conflict with the other.

Over the past few weeks the Ministry of Justice has been justly and actively unveiling the plans of the ministry. Plans and projects that have been in the queue to be executed, though commendable, it is important for the Minister of Justice to exercise the separation of powers and not let the good efforts be tainted with politics.

Law enforcement/Justice and politics should never be intertwined, mingled with or even wear a political color.  There is no place for it in the justice system, as each citizen have the right to have confidence in law enforcement knowing that it should be impartial and fair.

Once that stigma of politics is placed or the affiliation with a political party then that confidence is broken and Lady Justice no longer wear that role of applying equal justice to all.

At the same token, Members of Parliament should also remember their role and allow ministries to function as they should.

As a parliamentarian our responsibility lies solely within the realms of Parliament, crossing those responsibilities often blur lines and in fact goes against the checks and balances that were instilled in our constitution stated Member of Parliament Leona Marlin Romeo.