Public notices from the Royal Anguilla Police Force (RAPF)


The Royal Anguilla Police Force (RAPF) wishes to inform the public of the following steps that will be enforced during the 2016 Summer Festival:

  • The RAPF will remove all persons from the jam or any carnival venue who engage in fights or who are involved in any altercation or skirmishes and they will be dealt with according to the law.
  • Persons found with weapons of any nature will be dealt with in a similar manner.
  • Persons arrested and charged for any offence during the summer Festival, The RAPF will be asking the court for the individuals to be remanded until the carnival finishes.
  • When attending functions you are asked to desist from all criminal activities and do not carry weapons, be it a knife, blade or gun. If you are found with any weapons you will be dealt with accordingly.
  • The Landsome Bowl Road will be used for one-way traffic from Thursday, July 28, to Saturday, August 6, during the time there are activities in the Carnival Village. Motorists are to enter east from the junction of Mary Anglican Church proceeding west unto the Landsome Bowl Road, and exit via Cosely Drive, the road that runs between Hansa Bank, MICO Building or the road north of the Valley Primary School unto the Carination Avenue.
  • On August Monday, traffic will flow west to Sandy Ground and exit around the pond at the junction by the Sandy Ground Ball field.
  • On August Thursday, the traffic will flow west to Meads Bay and exit at the Long Bay West End Road junction traffic light.

The Royal Anguilla Police Force wishes everyone safe and enjoyable Summer Festival 2016 and advises all motorists to adhere to all traffic signs and signals.