Nagico donates to Back-to-School Drive initiative


PHILIPSBURG – On Tuesday, July 5, Nagico Insurances donated school supplies to the Back-to-School Drive of Ki-Mani Olivacce.

Nagico was approached by the 15-year old Learning Unlimited (LU) student who started a very special project to help local students in need as they begin the new school year.

“As good corporate citizens it is our responsibility to continuously give back to the community and especially to our children as they are the future of St. Maarten. That is the Nagico way. For many families on the island, shopping for school supplies is simply not an option because of the costs involved. We are truly inspired by this young man whose aim is to help others and make a difference in their learning experience. Therefore, we commend him and would like to encourage more people and local businesses to support this great cause. Together we can make a bigger difference,” said Marketing Officer Maxsalia Lindeborg.

Olivacce’s Back-to-School drive will continue until August 8. People and local business can call 523-1361 or 522-5252 to donate school materials such as agendas, 3-ring binders, and backpacks or provide a monetary donation.

Picture: Ki-Mani Olivacce and Marketing Officer Maxsalia Lindeborg