MP Emmanuel congratulates Maho Resort employees


PHILIPSBURG – Member of Parliament (MP) Christopher Emmanuel congratulated employees of the Maho Resort, with the favorable outcome of their court injunction against Maho Resort and the Board of the WICSU/PSU.

“After being informed by a group of employees on June 12, of the pressing situation they were confronted with by both their employer Maho Resort and WICSU/PSU. Together with a labor professional, I met with the employees and informed them of their rights as workers and how they should proceed legally. In addition, through the Chairlady of Parliament I formally questioned Minister Emil Lee of VSA on the role of the Labor Department. As reported and confirmed by the management of Maho Resorts, both the Labor Mediator Mr. R. Boasman and WICSU/PSU President Ms. Solagnier vetted and approved this process of termination,” MP Emmanuel said.

“The decision of the courts in favor of the employees, is a clear indication that they were not well represented by their union. The Pelican saga is still fresh on the minds of the people. As a consequence as legislators, employee representatives and government, all stakeholders should ensure that the rights of the workingmen and women in this country are safeguarded,” the MP continued.

MP Emmanuel noted, “I look forward to the outcome of the developments pertaining to those employees who have signed to terminate their employment with Resort of the World to commence with a new operating company, some of which indicated they did so under duress.”

However, he does hope that management of the Maho Group together with the employees can reach a favorable agreement that benefits all parties. “This to ensure that St. Maarten can continue to provide a quality tourism experience for our visitors!” Emmanuel also indicated that as a Member of Parliament, he has been consistent and true when it came to the rights of the people, regardless of being in opposition or part of a coalition.