SZV launches new website


PHILIPSBURG – Social and Health Insurances SZV launched its new website on June 1.

The website is designed to offer customers and the general public a digital portal to the organization and its services. Minister of Public Health Emil Lee was present for the occasion, encouraging customers to make use of this new information resource and cutting the ribbon together with SZV staff to officially launch the website.

Customers present at the offices of SZV were the first to view and navigate the website. The new website is one of the many new communication tools to be launched by SZV this year, fulfilling its need to improve communication and customer service.

“I am very pleased with the launch of the new and improved SZV website. Congratulations to the management and staff of SZV for their vision and hard work. It is very clear that there is a lack of information and understanding from all sectors of the community. I have received comments that the consistency of information from the staff of SZV can be inconsistent. This website will help tremendously to improve understanding and consistency. While the new SZV website is a work in progress, this is an extremely valuable resource for SZV and the people of St. Maarten. SZV welcomes any constructive remarks to improve the communication process and especially the website,” stated Lee.

The new website offers the freedom to browse through frequently asked questions on topics in relation to AOV and AWW pensions, severance pay, employee registration and qualifications, rights to medical reimbursements and more. Customers also have the opportunity to request appointments online as well as download required forms and check lists. Customers were personally guided through the navigation process by SZV staff alongside Minister Lee.


“We understand that with a goal to improve our customer service we must improve how we communicate. The website is just a starting point for SZV. Our goal is to engage more with our customers and offer an improved customer experience in doing so. The website allows you to get access to SZV after our office doors are closed and phone lines no longer open,” said Interim Director SZV Glen Carty.

The development process of the new SZV website is continuous. The website is aimed to be the “digital one-stop-shop” of SZV for customers, stakeholders and the general public. A vital communication tool to increase awareness, compliance and engagement, yet maintain flexibility to adapt to the needs of SZV’s diverse target groups as well as the evolving organization.

“I am inviting everyone to visit the website on a regular basis as there will be daily updates. We are working hard on improving our communication channels with our customers. Increasing our social media presence and hosting information sessions are also items on our to-do-list, as we try to adapt and be where our customers are in order to inform and engage effectively. Go online and engage with us. This is just the beginning, there is more to come as we will continue to develop our website and other tools to adjust to the needs of our customers and the community,” said Chief Customer Officer SZV Parveen Boertje.

The launch of the new website is a segment of the highly anticipated public information campaign. Later this year, SZV will also host information sessions throughout the various communities to present its services directly to its customers. The rights and obligations of all its target groups will be the core of this public information campaign, improving compliance and educating customers about their social and health insurance policies.