CPS reminding men to take action to apply and maintain a healthy life style


GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Sint Maarten’s calendar of health observances is to promote particular local or global health issues, and encourage the population to be proactive and consult their physicians before onset of disease. As of Thursday, June 16, the Ministry of Public Health will observe Men’s Health as Father’s Day is just around the corner.

Men in the Americas live five to seven years less than women on average, with the leading causes of death being non-communicable diseases, HIV/AIDS, injuries, and violence, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

In connection with the aforementioned, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department with the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour, would like to see men and boys live longer, happier, and healthier lives, and is calling on all fathers’ and boys to consult their physician to determine their risk factors.

PAHO data collected over years show that the five leading causes of death among men in the Caribbean are infectious diseases, assaults, traffic accidents, suicide, and cardiovascular disease.

Other health problems that men in the Region face are diabetes, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, mental illness, and prostate cancer.

According to PAHO, these causes of male morbidity and mortality in Latin America and the Caribbean are linked to gender, culture, human rights issues, and addictions, which are contributing to a large number of non-communicable and communicable diseases. Risk-taking, not consulting a physician, and not following drug regimens are interconnected variables that influence men’s health.

PAHO ads, men traditionally play the role of provider in their families. When they cannot fulfil that role, they suffer from stress and depression, which jeopardize not only their health but that of their families and communities.

One study has shown higher rates of physical and sexual violence against women and greater alcohol use among unemployed men, said a Promundo representative.

Improving men’s health also benefits women’s and children’s health.  CPS encourages Sint Maarten men and boys to make healthy choices and to live a healthy lifestyle.

Once you feel or notice a change in your body’s usual pattern, you should consult your physician, CPS advises.  Men, who live healthy, routinely exercise, consume nutritional and sizeable meals and adhere to safe preventive tips.