***Breaking News *** “Pinocchio” shot dead in French Quarter



French Quarter, Saint Martin – One man was shot early on Thursday in the district of French Quarter.

Facebook Photo: “Pinocchio”

The circumstances that led up to this latest shooting is being investigated by the Gendarmes. The victim is known as  “Pinocchio” (21) and is said to be known by law enforcement.

On the scene reports state that the French Emergency Services made every effort to save the life of the victim but that he succumbed to his injuries and died.

At the time of the shooting, “Pinocchio” was driving a white Hyundai car on the main road of French Quarter with number plate P-9758 when he was shot multiple times by an unknown person.

The car then ran off the road and slammed into a private wall then into a nearby slave wall.

The Dutch police responded by closing the border of French Quarter and no cars could have entered the French side through the French Quarter border.

They were all directed to the Oyster Pond border for crossing to the French side.

The Gendarmes also blocked the border at French Quarter as well.


zxz Shooting FQ pinoccio

FQ 2-001



FQ shooting

Pinocchio shooting