Philipsburg – On Friday, 27 November, SCELL, The School of Continuing Education and Life-Long Learning, held their first Women’s Island Network membership event. WIN was founded by Dr. Natasha J. Gittens, Ph.d., CHE, SCELL’s Director.

 “To embrace and mentor young women and empower women as a whole to pursue educational opportunities at USM/UVI that will directly increase student enrollment.” –WOMEN’S ISLAND NETWORK’S MISSION

Dr. Gittens state: “WIN Members will play an important key role as professional community liaisons and will work as a “sisterhood” consortium to encourage young women to pursue Associates, Bachelors and Masters Degrees programs at The University of St. Maarten and The University of the Virgin Islands at USM.

Local business also showcased their support for WIN. They provided members with product samples, discounts and appetizers to enhance the evening. In attendance was: Amsterdam Cheese & Liquor, Love Shack & Co., Avon, Pavillion d’Asie Boutique, West Indies Mall and Diamond Girl Beauty Supply Store, WIN’s Key sponsor.

It was an historical event for WIN. Mrs. Rosetta Gumbs-Lake, Vice-president of the French Collectivite’ of Saint Martin, stated: “I commend Dr. Gittens for establishing the Women’s Island Network, and my office is pleased to assist her with building this wonderful unification of St. Martin women on both the Dutch and French side of the island to enhance Educational opportunities for all women on St. Maarten.”

The next WIN meeting will be held on Friday, December 4, 2015 @ Amsterdam Cheese & Liquor. All professional women interested in joining WIN are welcome to attend.

For more information: call 554-2437, email us at [email protected], or visit our website:http://scell.usmonline.onl.