Tzu Chi volunteers pamper St. Martin’s Home clients 


CUL DE SAC, Sint Maarten — St. Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation volunteers took time out of their weekend schedules to pamper St. Martin’s Home clients during their regular monthly visit on Sunday, September 27.

A total of seven volunteers visited the Home from around 4:30pm and remained there until 6:00pm pampering clients.

The volunteers spent quality time engaging in conversations with clients. They also did mild relaxing exercises with the clients in an effort to help keep them moving and active, which is good for their health.

A number of clients also received a nice “royal treatment” from volunteers which included hand, back and foot massages and polishing of their nails.

Volunteers also visited patients who were in their rooms to see how they were doing, to share a kind word of encouragement with them and to engage in conversations with them.

Tzu Chi volunteers try to visit the St. Martin’s Home the last Sunday of every month. Because of their regular visits, many of the clients are familiar with the volunteers and look forward to their regular visits each month.

Tzu Chi Commissioner Sandra Cheung thanked all the volunteers who sacrificed part of their weekend give of themselves to the elderly. She also thanked the St. Martin’s Home and its clients for accommodating the foundation’s volunteers and said Tzu Chi is grateful for the opportunity to serve them.