~Police in Curacao got shot while on patrol~

SANTA MARIA, Curacao — At a few minutes pass 3am police unit # 27  on routine patrol attempted to stop a new white  Kia Sportage on Rooseveltweg in the area of Yumuni, the occupants appeared to be 3 men of latin descent.

They refused to stop on orders of the police in the first instance, but later stopped. When the officers approached them they began firing on the officers.  Prelimanary information we have is male officer S. have injuries to his foot and arm, while female officer S. have an injury to her hip.

The back windshield is broken due to shots fired from the officers, although the culprits managed to escape. The police is asking anyone with info concerning the white SUV or the occupants of latin descent  to please contact them.


BREAKING NEWS :Kaso di tiramentu registra aworaki na altura di Yumuri Santa Maria. Hombernan den Kia Sportage blanku ta para agentenan polisial den Interceptor Polisial 27 i ta los diferente tiru riba nan. Agente polisialnan ambos a resulta herida ku herida di bala na kustia, brasa etc.. Polisnan a sera e area mientras ya 2 ambulance ta na e sitio.

Posted by Strealuz News on Thursday, October 22, 2015


UPDATE:Outoridatnan ta investigando un SUV blanku sospechoso ku perforashon di bala den aria di Gato. E vehíkulo posiblemente tabata envolvi den e intento di asesinato riba dos agente polisial awe mardugá na haltura di Yumuri, Sta. Maria. No tin nada konfirmá ainda. Vigilante trapa trapa riba TUR pero TUR sobra.

Posted by Vigilante on Thursday, October 22, 2015



By Strealuz News

UPDATE : 6:35 am October 22, 2015

Tabata alrededor di algun minut pasa di 3 ku e patruya polisial 27 a bai pa para un Kia Sportage Blanku nobo riba Rooseveltweg na altura di Yumuri ku 3 homber aspekto latino den dje.
Na prome instante aparentemente nan no kier a para riba ordu di polis mesora, i despues a para.

Pero ora ku e agentenan polisial a habri porta di e vehikulo, einan nan a sorprende nan tirando riba nan. Informashon PRELIMINAR ta indika ku e agente polisial fam S, maskulino tin herida di bala na pia i brasa, mientras ku e agente polisial di fam S, femenino tin bala na su kustia.

E Kia Sportage blanku su winshiel patras ta kibra Debi ku e polisnan a los tiru bek, pero e agresornan a logra kore bai. Polisnan ta pidi yudansa di komunidat pa lokalisa e jeep blanku aki i tambe e agresornan (posibel latino) di e kaso aki.

PROME RELATO: 3:00 am October 22, 2015


Kaso di tiramentu registra aworaki na altura di Yumuri Santa Maria. Hombernan den Kia Sportage blanku ta para agentenan polisial den Interceptor Polisial 27 i ta los diferente tiru riba nan. Agente polisialnan ambos a resulta herida ku herida di bala na kustia, brasa etc.. Polisnan a sera e area mientras ya 2 ambulance ta na e sitio.